Friday, September 23, 2011

the girls are home!

Our two pink superheroes arrived yesterday!  It's been a whirlwind week of getting ready, driving, meeting, introducing siblings and welcoming them home.

I need names for our darling girlies.

Let me describe them.  I have a few ideas, but I'd like to hear what those of you who read this think before I decide.

A is a 4 year old bundle of energy.  She has a huge vocabulary, wants to do what is right and is very bold.  She's a hot pink patterned kind of girlie girl.  She's drawn to cars, fire trucks, and is a bit rough and tumble, though she's also very delicate.  I'm pretty sure this one can hold her own almost anywhere.

B is a 2 year old who, I'm quite sure, channels Dianna Ross.  Her blonde, curly hair reaches her waist.  Her favorite word is "no," but she says it with a smile (or a fake pout).  She loves dolls and anything light pink.  Her vocabulary is stunningly broad for a girl who speaks in one word sentences!  She's much neater than her hurricane sister, and plays for long periods of time.  Who has ever heard of a 2 year old playing (and singing) with Mr. Potato head for over a half hour?  And play doh?  Well, all four were very sad they had to put it away for dinner.

So, now that our superheroes number FOUR, we need names!  Spidey and Aquaman depend on your help!

Leave a comment with your ideas!

Monday, September 12, 2011


It's time to figure out TWO superhero names, that are PINK!  I'll want to get to know them a little bit, but they're going to be home SOON!  That's right, a 2 year old girl and a 4 year old girl are joining our family and we're over the moon!