Friday, July 29, 2011


Last night Superdad and I took Spidey and Aquaman out for ice cream.  We'd told them they could order whatever they wanted because, well, I made a dinner I knew they'd balk at and wanted to give them motivation. It worked!  We thought Spidey was going to get a banana split, but he got his first double cone instead, he was awfully cute with it!  Aquaman forgo the ice cream for a chocolate donut with chocolate frosting (ahhhh kid after my own heart) and then begged for OUR ice cream.

Moms don't share chocolate.  Well, this mom doesn't.

So, the real fist wasn't the double scoop cone.

Afterwards we decided to drive around and see if we could find something fun.  We ended up at one of our favorite parks, one I rarely take the kids to because line of sight is difficult there.  The kids have problems playing when they can't see me, so I make it easy and avoid places where views are blocked.  We parked and started toward the gates.

Spidey and Aquaman ran ahead whooping, hooting and hollering with glee.  We finally caught up to them happily playing on a police car and a fire truck.

We then wandered over to the sand pit and made sand castles.

What a nice, pleasant evening, and how fantastic they ran ahead!  I know most parents may not appreciate that particular first, but our children were consumed with glee and it was FANTASTIC!

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