Thursday, July 28, 2011

Moms of two boys ramblings

We had three playdates yesterday.  Well, two playdates and a quick dinner outside the dojo, but I'm counting that, too.  The first playdate was with one of Aquaman's classmates'.  He and his little brother are a ton of fun and I like the mom, too.  I don't know her very well, but she seems quite cool.  She's a fireman, by the way, how awesome is THAT?  Then we went to karate, had dinner with Superfriend, Buzz and Legomaster.  After dinner we zipped to the park to meet Spidey's best friend.  Spidey's best friend and little brother are so fun, and their mom is one of my best friends (ranking up there with Superfriend).  The dads even get along quite well.

Of course, I realize, most of my friends have two boys, both boys around Aquaman and Spidey's ages.  There is a certain dynamic in families with two sons and no girls.  Boys feed off eachother.  They interact a certain way.  I'm not sure what having another boy does (we do have a friend with 3 boys), but having a girl definitely changes the atmosphere.

I love our life, that's no secret.  I love our family, our church, our home and our friends.  Well, our home irritates me, but I have hope for it and at least it gives me a project.  I love that the superheroes are growing and thriving.  I love that we go play with other families and no one is left out (except for the random mishap).  I love that other moms I'm friends with GET that brothers hit eachother on occassion, that they think saying "pee" is funny and that they really can't find a darn thing.  I love that I have friends who can say "Oh, Jim Bob is acting JUST LIKE Spidey" or "Remember how I told you I thought it was odd Aquaman is doing that?  Well, guess what?  Little Billy is doing the exact same thing.  Hmm, must be a boy thing."

How would another child change that?  Will our friendships last or are they rooted in how very much we currently have in common?  Will I need to make new friends because the dynamics of our family change so much?  And, WHY didn't I think of this before?

I do have some friends with different set ups in their families, some with one child, some with girls, some with more kids, but those aren't my core friends, they aren't the massive support of my two boy families.


1 comment:

  1. Yep...seasons will change, you will go different paths, you will keep some friends for years, won't hear from some friends that you thought were your very best friends, and will make some new friends that you wished you'd met years earlier!! AND...when you add your new child, you won't be able to imagine your family without him (or her!!)
