Sunday, August 21, 2011

ugh. Superdad is positive, I feel like a knife stabbed my heart.

A few weeks ago the whole family stopped by a Target a few hours away to get football tee shirts (it's not a popular team here, but it is where we were).  I bought a shirt for Spidey and one for Aquman, then lost the bag. We found it today.  Superdad was being SUPER and putting things away for me.  He extracted the shirts and a third shirt fell out.

There were no tags on the shirt.

We don't remember ever SEEING the shirt.

It's not on the receipt.

Sigh.  I said, "How do I take it back with no tag and no receipt?"

Superdad replied, "It's the right size if we get the child.  I say we keep it."

He's feeling positive, I'm feeling like there's one more reminder should we get a no.  I'm feeling a horrid nag at my heart, an ache that I want filled.  I'm feeling guilty that I am not looking to our Lord to fill it with Himself, but with a small child.


I really don't like waiting.

1 comment:

  1. So sorry. Praying you get your little boy. And remember to lean on God!
